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"Smells Like Teen Spirit" was the song that broke Nirvana and
ushered in a new era of music. "About this song, Cobain
explained that back then he was trying to compose something
similar to the Pixies, a soft and slow start and then a strong
explosion", and that's what Smells Like Teen Spirit is. It goes
without saying how much nirvana achieved with this song.
Without a doubt the most iconic song of the nineties.
‘ ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’
From: Nevermind (1991)
Imagine choosing one song from 'Heart-shaped box', 'Lithium',
'Come as you are', 'The man who sold the world', 'In Bloom',
'Polly', 'Drain You', 'On A Plain', 'Something In The Way', 'Breed',
sounds difficult huh? That's what happens when you talk about a band that is among
the best songwriters of its generation, that has known how to
combine punk aggressiveness with pop choruses, without
forgetting to round it all off with unforgettable riffs. Although
they only managed to release three albums, Nirvana ended up
being one of the most iconic bands of their generation. Almost
30 years after the group's tragic demise, their music continues
to play strong.
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FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan



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