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Q7 Give us an insider tip on what bands or artists are about to
Ans- Artists that are about to blow up, Aardicy, this kid is
actually talented and is a very nice person. Another group you
should look out for is THE UPRISING! Q8 What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your
music career?
Ans- Umm, I don’t know per se but I know that I've always
loved to entertain people, so somewhere along those lines I
guess, I really wanted to make funny videos like Key and Peele
when I was in high school and I even loved theater and stand
up, but to be honest, I really don't know exactly but it would be
related to entertainment
Q9 If you could change anything about the industry, what
would it be?
Ans- First things first I would stop calling it an industry cause
it isn’t, rap is a baby, and people are evil and look for the quick
way to a buck, not realizing that the communities made then
are toxic and exclusive. Rap should go back to the days before
labels were even here, and see how collaborations and
creatives just became a way to ask for money. There are no
levels. Just layers. I would change the fact that labels entered
the scene very fast it should have been slow, so that everyone
gets a chance, making music is a privilege and good music even
bigger privilege said but people need to realize not everyone
has the same resources, that's why labels should have entered
later on, maybe not after 3-4 years but rather 7-8 years down
the line, so that we would have actual communities.
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FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan



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