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The Modi government is acting like an
agricultural land owner selling his land
in acres to a ‘friend’ to buy a vehicle,
possibly a Toyota Fortuner. While the
land owner says that the property was
useless for him as it was not generating
returns even as much as an interest on
the value, but the land buyer ‘friend’ is
the one who reaps the benefits creating
results from the same land investing his
time and money.

If the land buyer ‘friend’ can create the
revenue, so could the land owner, but
taking the easy way out, he sold his land
to buy a vehicle and surplus. While, the
proceeds from the transaction will last a
while, the asset does not belong to him
anymore. So is the case of the Indian
La Casa de Papel
Into Season 5, Money Heist released 1st
part of its season on September 3 and it
took the world by storm. Although, the
storyline was somewhat expected, it still
excited the viewers filled with
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From The Editor

From The Editor

The Mask Experiment - India and the World

The Mask Experiment - India and the World

Selling India for 6 lakh crores

Selling India for 6 lakh crores

La Casa de Papel

La Casa de Papel

Climate Chaos – Nature’s way of telling us why it' sick

Climate Chaos – Nature’s way of telling us why it' sick

Interview with Shubham Teotia
Taliban, Back in Power
Summer Paralympics 2021

Interview with Shubham Teotia

Taliban, Back in Power

Summer Paralympics 2021

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