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Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi 
 Askari H. Zaidi, a senior journalist who had spent a number of
years in the state of Jammu and Kashmir from 1988 onwards
reporting on the happenings there for The Times of India
answers some of the most important questions that come to our
mind about Kashmir.
Q 1: What comes to your mind when you think of Kashmir?           
 A: One of the most beautiful regions of India, and lovely people
ravaged by an unending spiral of violence which has taken a
heavy toll. Ever since the Partition in 1947, Pakistan has been
instigating insurgency in the state, and that India has put it
down with a heavy hand.
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FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

The Paradise on Earth

The Paradise on Earth

Kashmir Files

Kashmir Files

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Pandit’s POV

Pandit’s POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri
Things to do in Kashmir
Kashmiri Muslim POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri

Things to do in Kashmir

Kashmiri Muslim POV

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