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An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri
What is Kashmir today ?
A place where people are struggling hard for a better life.
That’s just one man’s opinion though!
How ?
People are educated but still unemployed due to the lack of
opportunities. Moreover, Kashmiris are completely dependent
on the tourism sector but curfews, lockdowns and politics do
enough to make that difficult too. Over and above Muslim
traders are being asked to be banned and gradually tourism is
also declining. And there is no need to mention about frequent
wars & attacks in Kashmir.
Do people still identify themselves as pandits or muslims ?
Or Kashmiris ? Or Indians ? And is the latter possible in the
near future ?
That depends on one’s ideology though, some call themselves
Indian while some Pakistani and some call themselves Koshur
which is Kashmiri in native language.
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FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

The Paradise on Earth

The Paradise on Earth

Kashmir Files

Kashmir Files

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Pandit’s POV

Pandit’s POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri
Things to do in Kashmir
Kashmiri Muslim POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri

Things to do in Kashmir

Kashmiri Muslim POV

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