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Q 3: Tell us your point of view on Kashmiri Pandits’ exodus.
Was it political?
A: I have given details in the answer to question 2. The exodus
was mainly because of the fearful atmosphere created by
Pakistan-trained militants. Even I had to flee to Jammu twice
because during Governor Jagmohan’s time, there was a
marked rise in the incidents of terrorism, and overall
atmosphere was that of fear and intimidation. And because of
that both Muslims and Hindus fled the valley in large numbers.
Q 4: What does it mean to be a Kashmiri today, particularly
for youngsters who have grown up in the past two decades.
A: Kashmiris have been living under the shadow of the gun for
the past many years. The constant fear of violence has affected
them mentally, disrupted their social and cultural life, and
derailed the economy of the valley. The youngsters do not find
any employment avenues in the valley, and outside the valley
they are scared of venturing out as they have been targeted
several times in different parts of the country.
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FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

The Paradise on Earth

The Paradise on Earth

Kashmir Files

Kashmir Files

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Pandit’s POV

Pandit’s POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri
Things to do in Kashmir
Kashmiri Muslim POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri

Things to do in Kashmir

Kashmiri Muslim POV

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