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Why did the very unfortunate event “Pandit
Exodus'' happen ?
Reason 1; The then Governor, Jagmohan had encouraged the
Pandits to leave so as to have a free hand in more thoroughly
pursuing reprisals against Muslims.
Reason 2; In 1984 When Gulam Mohammed Shah returned to
Kashmir, he reacted and provoked the Kashmiri Muslims by saying
Islam was in danger. As a consequence, Kashmiri Pandits came
under the radar of Kashmiri Muslims and were being attacked, as
per a noted Kashmiri Pandit historian.
Reason 3; As a consequence of the 1947 Jammu Massacre
Though, mainly they were militants who carried out the attacks on
Kashmiri Pandits while this is also a fact that several times more
Muslims were killed by militants over the same period.
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FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

FROM THE EDITOR - Ruchika Rawan

The Paradise on Earth

The Paradise on Earth

Kashmir Files

Kashmir Files

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Interview with senior journalist Askari H Zaidi

Pandit’s POV

Pandit’s POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri
Things to do in Kashmir
Kashmiri Muslim POV

An Anonymous Interview of a Kashmiri

Things to do in Kashmir

Kashmiri Muslim POV

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